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An Interview With Dr. Archie Kalokerinos MD

Dr Kris Gaublomme MD, Belgium, editor of the Ínternational Vaccination Newsletter, interviews Australian Dr A Kalokerinos MD, Australia; the interview was first published in the IVN in June 1995. It is hardly necessary to introduce Dr. Kalokerinos. He is well known worldwide as the doctor who spent much of his time fighting for the wellbeing […]

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Australia Flu Vaccine Disaster

Natasha Bita The Australian May 28, 2011 KIRSTEN and Mick Button were looking forward to a family holiday in Bali when the letter landed in their mailbox. From the West Australian Health Department, it urged them to vaccinate their children against the flu. A killer new strain of influenza, a mutant mix of human, avian […]

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