Melanie’s Marvellous Measles – by Stephanie Messenger


Beautifully, illustrated with simple, colourful text, this book by Stephanie Messenger discusses not only the fact that measles is usually benign in healthy, well-nourished children, but the importance of proper nutrition including vitamin A from orange fruits and vegetables. This book covers the fears children may have of ‘catching’ bugs (or rather, having them catch up with the child) and the fact that vaccinated children still get sick even if they’ve had their shots and lots more.


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Amazon Book Review, August 9, 2013, by Loire

I am so glad that someone has actually challenged the false status quo of the “millions” who died from measles. We are damaging our children’s immune systems because we refuse to allow natural immunity, i.e. getting a disease and getting well from a disease. I, for one, am grateful for this book. I am buying copies for everyone to help them learn.


Our Children's Brains are being Destroyed by Vaccines