‘Bought’ – the Documentary

The hidden story about vaccines, drugs and food… Three huge topics in one film. Why put all this in one movie? Because these issues are directly related, and we have an opportunity to harness the millions of us engaged in each of them to overcome the noise put out by the medical-industrial conglomerate. You peel back the layers and see what’s really driving our industrialized food, our vaccine expansion, and our dependence on pharmaceuticals – it’s the same culprit. Huge corporations funded by individual misery, one broken life at a time. These three story lines converge on Wall Street, but this story takes us beyond the problem to the inspiring and empowering role mothers are now taking in uniting to protect their families.

Writer: Bobby Sheehan
Producer: Bobby Sheehan, Sara Feldmann Sheehan, Jeff Hays
Notable Cast: Dr. Toni Bark, MD,, Dr. Patrick Gentempo, Tara Cook-Litman, Kelly Brogan, MD, Barbara Loe Fisher, Prof. Mary Holland, PhD, Suzanne Humphries, MD, Allen Jones, Prof. Gayle DeLong, PhD, Dr. Chensheng (Alex) Lu, PhD, Prof. Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

You can purchase the DVD or occasionally watch free screenings online at http://www.boughtmovie.net/

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