Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Package Inserts

Please note that further information will be added to this page over time.

Vaccine ingredients

Many if not most parents and doctors have little if any idea of what is in vaccines. Here is a partial list of vaccine ingredients, keeping in mind that vaccine manufacturers only list about 40% of ingredients and that even a supposedly mercury-free vaccine may therefore contain mercury, or at least traces of mercury.

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Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary – Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine

Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturer Information
(alphabetical order by vaccine)



Package inserts

Vaccine package inserts are based on a vaccine’s Material Safety Data Sheet or MSDS which can be looked up on the internet. The MSDS features the specifications of a chemical, a drug, or a vaccine.

Package Inserts and Manufacturers for some US Licensed Vaccines and Immunoglobulins



Watch the cruelty of vaccines first hand, as this young Thai girl is brutalised by the medical establishment