The Vaccination Myth

Consider this. If germs were actually the sole and primary cause of disease, regardless of other factors present, we’d all be long gone by now. There would be no people left on planet Earth.

Untold millions of germs a) circulate and b) live in our bodies. Many of them mutate on a regular basis. No bioengineering necessary.

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There is, however, a more basic factor in disease. Some people call it “the terrain” of the body—otherwise known as the immune system.

Immune defense is much more than a few classes of cells. It is, in fact, the whole body and its processes, as well as the mind.

In many areas of the world, as I’ve just described, horrendous conditions deplete the immune system: malnutrition, starvation, sewage pumped into the water supply, overcrowding, poverty, war, hopelessness, industrial pollution on a vast scale, etc.

Then, with the damage done, any old germ that sweeps through the population brings about illness and death—because the body, which would otherwise throw off the germ easily, instead succumbs.

That is the true picture.

Germs, germs, germs as the sole cause of disease is THE cover story for modern medicine.

It sustains, for example, the whole fairy tale about the need for vaccination.

Generally speaking, when a healthy person naturally engages with certain germs, he mounts a full and acute inflammatory response, during which he throws off the germ.

This inflammatory response has visible markers; for example, fever, rashes, spots, swelling.

These are labeled “symptoms of the disease.” Actually, they aren’t symptoms. They’re signs that the body is doing its job.

Vaccines, with their immuno-suppressive effects, weaken and damp down the full inflammatory response. Therefore, the visible “symptoms” don’t occur.

And doctors claim this absence means the person has acquired immunity from the disease targeted by the vaccine.

Not so. Other “symptoms” will occur and will become visible, as the body tries to fight against the toxic elements in the vaccine.

Doctors say, “Look here. Different symptoms. This is a different disease. We eradicated the other disease with the vaccine. Now we have to develop a vaccine and drugs against this one…”

On and on it goes. Polio becomes meningitis. Measles becomes encephalitis.

At every step, the person’s immune system becomes weaker, because he is being subjected to germs and toxic chemicals, in vaccines, injected directly into the body, bypassing many centers of immune defense.

In West Africa, during the last five years, several vaccine campaigns have been launched: yellow fever, polio, meningitis. Given to people whose immune systems are already teetering on the edge of collapse, the effects are devastating.

But of course, no one says, “Vaccine-induced disease and destruction.” Instead, they say, “Heroic efforts are being made to reverse the ongoing health crisis in Liberia.”

Every time a new “epidemic” comes along — HIV, West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu, Ebola — the propaganda machines goes to work with, “Germ, germ, germ, germ.”

This cover story fortifies and controls the false public perception of what disease is all about. It’s a poster ad.

“In order to fight the heinous virus, doctors are our only recourse. Without them and their potions, we are powerless.”

This is exactly the goal of the overall covert op.

The customer not only wants the product. He believes he can’t live without it.

This is why the medical cartel and its allies wage a ceaseless, vicious, and lying war against “natural health.” The whole thrust of natural answers is: expand the power of the immune system.

Otherwise known as: putting the medical cartel out of business.

Otherwise known as: dissolving the covert ops designed to control and decimate populations.


Jon Rappoport



4-part Vaccination Myth YouTube video series by Alison Adams

The Dees Illustration Studio

dd395-Baby Vaccine (TEXT) 3


Vaccine Program Based Upon Nonsense, Fear, Fairy Tales – Dr Russell Blaylock MD

Do vaccines save lives? What infectious disease mortality graphs show


Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History – Dr Suzanne Humphreys MD Roman Bystrianyk

To vaccinate or not?


Watch the cruelty of vaccines first hand, as this young Thai girl is brutalised by the medical establishment