Can Ultrasound Pregnancy Scans Harm Babies?

“The casual observer might be forgiven for wondering why the medical profession is now involved in the wholesale
examination of pregnant patients with machines emanating vastly different powers of an energy which is not proven to be harmless to obtain information which is not proven to be of any clinical value by operators who are not certified as competent to perform examinations.”

HM Meire (1987) – UK radiologist who had been performing pregnancy scans for 20 years

Contrary to claims that ultrasound scans are harmless, there is increasing evidence which shows that this technology carries significant risks, as outlined in this paper the above quote is from:

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From Facebook:

Did you know that when you place an egg in water and expose the water to ultrasound, the energy of the ultrasonic frequencies violently shake and break down the contents of the egg and cook them – without breaking the shell. So what do you suppose might be happening to the internal organs and systems of developing babies when they are exposed to this technology? Is it possible that children will be born with what appears to be an intact “shell” (or body), while their insides have been cooked, scrambled, and irrevocably altered as a result of being exposed to this technology?

You betcha! They are even using it to destroy specific areas of the brain. And never at any time in the history of our planet have children been so sick, so damaged, and so incredibly neurologically dysfunctional as they are now.

Doppler is the worst kind. It is continuous wave ultrasound which means every moment that it is near your baby, your baby (and you) will be continuously, non-stop blasted with these extremely dangerous frequencies. This is also what they use to listen to the heartbeat, which is completely unnecessary when a fetoscope works equally well in the hands of a skilled midwife.

Sonograms use pulsed ultrasound, so the baby gets intermittent blasts, Doppler is much more dangerous and harmful, but both types need to be avoided. The fact that this has become “standard of care” is an indication of just how desperate they are to harm the incoming souls.

Keep lining up for that “prenatal care” folks. It does a body good.




Jeanice Barcelo, author of the highly recommended Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine

Also from Jeanice Barcelo:

Birth of A New Earth / November 11, 2014


When unborn babies are subjected to ultrasound scans the discomfort they feel as a result of this invasive technology is apparently often visibly obvious as they seem to try to get out of harm’s way! Presumably because their sense of safety in the womb is disturbed, their discomfort sometimes also causes them to release hormones to trigger birth, evident as premature contractions of the womb (false labour), as if to say “I want to get the hell out of here!”.

There are links to further information concerning the dangers of ultrasound scans posted (under RELATED) further down this page.

Ultrasound scans are sometimes also misinterpreted with potentially tragic and sometimes fatal results as these three stories show:


“My doctor wanted me to kill my unborn baby!” – By Sabina S.

I was around 16 weeks pregnant with my fourth baby and as we were unsure of the dates, I had a scan. We were living in Jakarta at the time and I was under the care of an English doctor in an international medical centre.

The doctor advised me that the scan showed that my baby wasn’t growing right due to genetic abnormalities which he said required immediate termination of the pregnancy. I was shocked. I told him I would not do that.

He shook his head and explained that I didn’t understand the seriousness of the situation; he said the foetus was not viable and would die no matter what. I said that I would still not terminate my pregnancy regardless. He again asserted that carrying on with the pregnancy was pointless as ‘it’ would certainly die. “Then my baby will die”, I said, “but I will not kill my child”. Getting exasperated, he exclaimed, “But it will not survive the birth!” I replied: “Even if my baby dies before or during the birth, I will not do this!” Now he was openly angry; he said: “You are a silly, stupid woman!

At home, my husband was in total agreement with me. It was a stressful time, but I kept growing bigger until around a week before the due date, when I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl we named Ella. She looked like her oldest sister and was perfect in every way.

As the first months passed. it became evident that she was remarkable and as she was growing up it became clear that she was an all round talent.

Photo: Ella at the age of 3

Ella can sing and dance, she is very artistic, has won several awards for engineering, speaks three languages and skipped a year in high school because she was so advanced for her age. Ella is 16 now, tall, with lush, long, blond, wavy hair and has a bubbly personality.

Ella knows her story and asked me whether I took her back to this doctor. My answer to her was that no, I couldn’t, as we had to flee Indonesia when the civil war broke out in 1998, when she was a few months old.



“This Baby is Not Going to Survive,” Mom Rejects Pressure for Abortion


This story from England is of yet another case of misdiagnosis, but has a tragic outcome:

556905_10150805855512960_931206672_n SOURCE: New Zealand Herald, May 11, 1996


Here is a rather bizarre story where an ultrasound scan saved a baby’s life:


Irish woman gives birth to healthy baby doctors had declared dead


Here are some of the comments posted on the VINE Facebook page in response to this article:

When I became pregnant 35 years ago, I refused an ultrasound and did with all three of my children. I was laughed at….. Yes I was laughed at for not having them. I always said that one day they will discover the dangers.

My niece was pregnant with twins and was told to abort the one has he was smaller. She refused and has two beautiful little boys.

Olivia Rosema


I had a “high-risk” pregnancy due to a uterine fibroid and the fact that I was 40. As a result, doctors scheduled not monthly but WEEKLY ultrasound scans in the final month of pregnancy. My son was one of the unfortunate individuals who was later slapped with the “mild ASD” label. Since he was breach, one “specialist” also made a half-hearted attempt at “turning” him by INJECTING me with LIQUID VALIUM and then pressing hard into my abdomen with one thumb, right next to my fetus’ head, which hurt like hell and accomplished nothing, except that they temporarily lost my son’s heartbeat on the monitor and claimed it was likely due to him shifting in the womb, but I’ll never really know..

Sharon Cedrone Martin


In these cases, it wasn’t the scan per se, but the ignorant doctors making bad decisions… Very often the scans also save a baby’s life, especially in those cases where a mother is considering an abortion. Quite often when she sees her baby, it changes her mind about the abortion.

Deborah Shields

Here are some more responses (September 2014):





Ultrasound: Weighing the Propaganda Against the Facts
by Beverley Lawrence Beech


Who says ultrasound is safe?

Ultrasound – We report back on the response of the Advertising Standards Authority.


Ultrasound Scans- Cause for Concern – Dr Sarah J. Buckley

Misdiagnosed Ultrasound Scans

– Dr Robert Mendelsohn on Pregnancy and the Dangers of Ultrasound

– The Dangers of Prenatal Ultrasound! “Yes looking can hurt”

Ultrasound Scans May Harm Unborn Babies

– 17 Scans Per Pregnancy? Dangerous Ultrasounds On Rise

The Risks of Ultrasound Scans for the Mother and the Unborn Child

37105_10151190880032960_1950529312_n Fetuses can hear ultrasound examinations

Could Prenatal Ultrasounds Contribute To Cases Of Autism?

Questions about Prenatal Ultrasound and the Alarming Increase in Autism – by Caroline Rodgers

Can ultrasounds during pregnancy cause autism?

Ultrasound Can Affect Fetal Brain Development – Dr. Ben Kim

Prenatal Test Presents Dilemmas to
Expectant Mothers

miscarriage after vaginal ultrasound


Shocker: the dangers of Ultrasound – by Jon Rappoport

Could the ultrasound be wrong about baby’s sex?

– Miracle baby whose mother was told twice by doctors to abort him enjoys his first New Year


– 3 Ultrasounds Show Baby Had No Heart Beat, Dad Had One Last Request & It Leaves The Doctor Shocked!


– Study: Ultrasound Causes Brain Damage In Fetuses


If you are about to become a parent, you must listen to this testimony from a mother who researched vaccines