Reporting Vaccine Reactions

“The last vaccine injury [for my daughter] was within three hours of receiving a Tdap vaccine, and she had a grand mal seizure, she fell off the bed and hit her head. She stopped breathing while I held her head in my hands. Thankfully, she was resuscitated, and we went to the hospital in an ambulance. And while we were in the ambulance, I called our family doctor who had given her the vaccine, and I called his office and said, I want this reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) as a vaccine injury.

We went to the hospital, they knew it was a vaccine injury, I told them what had happened. It was months later that I realized that it had not been reported. When I called my doctor’s office, I said, why didn’t you report this, and they said, well, you didn’t bring her back here. They said, we didn’t have to report it because you didn’t bring her back here. I said, I didn’t bring her back there because she stopped breathing, we went to the hospital in an ambulance. And so they said, well, it was the hospital that should’ve reported it. So I called the hospital, and I said, well why didn’t you report it? And they said, well, we didn’t administer the vaccine, the administering physician should’ve reported it.

So I called VAERS, I called Health and Human Services and the VAERS office, and I asked the woman who answered the phone, I said, so who’s responsibility is it to report vaccine injuries… and she said, well, either one. … And I told her the situation, she said either one should’ve reported. And I said, isn’t that mandatory, according to the law? And she said, yes. And I said, so what are the consequences when physicians fail to report? And she said, well, there are no consequences. I said, that’s not a law then. If there are no consequences, that’s a suggestion, that’s not a law.

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So, and for this reason, because it’s not enforced and there are no consequences, the number of vaccine injuries, the percentage is estimated to be between 1 and 10%, and it’s probably between 1 and 2% of vaccine injuries that are reported. So when you’re talking about informed consent, informed consent for vaccination requires that you have the information that you need in order to make an accurate risk-benefit analysis.

If we don’t have the information about how common vaccine injuries are, because there are no consequences for physicians who fail to report them, even in situations where the vaccine clearly is the cause of the injury, as in it happened within hours or minutes… there are times when a child gets a vaccination and falls dead in the doctor’s office… and the doctors don’t report it as a vaccine injury, well that’s just a coincidence… the kid would’ve died anyway… It should be indictable, and until that law is enforced, we don’t have the information we need to make accurate risk-benefit analyses.

If we can’t make accurate risk-benefit analyses, then we don’t have informed consent… which means we are being coerced, we are being lied to, and we, as parents, are making decisions that are uninformed, through no fault of our own, and we’re simultaneously being told, you have to do this or your kid can’t go to school. And, in some cases, parents are being threatened by physicians, by pediatricians, if you don’t comply I’m going to call CPS (Child Protective Services). Those threats are happening every day, and in some cases they’re following through on those threats. Parents are scared, they’re scared to the point where they’re not even taking their kids to the doctor, because doctors are threatening them with taking their kids away.”

— Marcella Piper-Terry, MS

Note: Marcella has worked as a neuropsychological evaluator, educational advocate, psychotherapist, and biomedical consultant.

Courtesy: The Outliers


VAERS – please note that if the health care provider doesn’t report the reaction, the parents can report it:

Report an Adverse Event


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